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June 21, 2014: Amputation+16 Days

Here’s the scoop!

On Monday, Dad put me in the-box-that-shall-not-be-named and took me for a ride in the car. As happens every other time that damned thing shows up, I ended up at the doctor’s office.

While she did some things I really didn’t care for at all, she did do one thing I most definitely did: she FINALLY got rid of that horribly annoying Elizabethan collar! I was so happy that I just kept shaking my tail and prancing around on the floor in the doctor’s office. While I got a pedicure (which was nice), that collar removal was the best part of the visit!

Over the next couple of days after the visit, Dad would leave the door to my room open. While my initial escape was to prove to him that I was able to do it, I wasn’t all that into leaving the room when I was allowed to do so. Just like any other cat, I don’t like to ever let a human think I’m doing what they want me to out of principle, if nothing else.

Of course, each day my Nemesis-in-Residence would come up to the room and say “hi” to me before going and EATING MY FOOD! What a mooch–as if he doesn’t have his own downstairs!


Dad here – of course Jerry would NEVER even consider eating out of one of the other cats’ bowls…


Anyway, yesterday, Dad opened the door as usual and walked down a couple of steps. As always, I really wanted to hang out with Dad, so I came down three steps and let him scritch me while I sat on the step next to him.

I then went back up the steps to my room. As I’m not yet totally accustomed to climbing the stairs with one less leg at my disposal, I did manage to make it up the stairs to the room.

I don’t know why he’s so excited and happy about me doing something so basic to getting around our house, but then again I don’t ask too many questions. After all, I know we trained him well enough to instinctively know that praise is just our due.

Today, after opening the den door he called for me so I peeked around the corner, saw him at the bottom of the stairs and went down. He then went up the stairs, so I went up there, after which he went back down again.

I don’t quite know why he’s doing this, but I don’t care because each time he stopped, I got to rub against his leg, shaking my tail a lot, as is my way when I’m as happy as I was at that moment. While the stairs are still a bit of a challenge, I definitely think they’re getting to be a little easier every time I take them. I’m betting that it won’t be much longer before I’ll finally zip up them as I used to before the leg was gone.

I finally saw my brother, Tom, after so long when I made it down to the lowest level. He came over to me and started grooming me and I him. I’d not seen much of him lately, so it was nice to spend some quality time making him look his very best. I missed him and I think he did me as well.

Tom and I get to catch up with each other.
Tom and I get to catch up with each other.

Then Dad broke out the treats and the three of us had some goodies, after which he brought out that black box that clicks a lot. Don’t know what it is, but he seems to like it as we see him with it rather often.

Afterwards, I went up to the living room and jumped up on the coffee table. Perhaps not in my typically graceful manner, but that doesn’t matter as the important thing was to make it all by myself, which I did!

Of course, Nemesis had to come over to me and make me move because that’s what he does. I jumped off the table and landed just fine. I then decided “Screw it” and went back up atop the table, Nemesis be damned, I’m going to enjoy the coffee table!

I’m starting to feel drowsy and think I’m going to take a nap now – it’s been an exciting day.

Ah, the joys of FINALLY getting back into one my favorite spots: on the coffee table near Dad. Did I mention that I hopped up here all by myself, just as I used to? He and I were SO happy when I did that. Now, if you’ll excuse me  I think I’ll nod off here  for awhile…..
Ah, the joys of FINALLY getting back into one my favorite spots: on the coffee table near Dad. Did I mention that I hopped up here all by myself, just as I used to?
He and I were SO happy when I did that.
Now, if you’ll excuse me  I think I’ll nod off here  for awhile…..


Later, I decided to try one of my other usual moves: jumping onto the seat of the easy chair, followed by a short leap to the arm of the chair before heading to the top, one of many favorite napping spots.

Unfortunately, once I landed on the arm of the chair I ran into problems as I totally forgot that I’m getting around on one less leg these days. Thank goodness Dad was there to catch me. He managed to get his hand under my one back paw right in the nick of time. He then eased it back onto the arm while I tried to figure out just what happened and what to do next.

I eventually made it to the table between the easy chairs and then came over to Dad’s arm chair. I got the front paws up on my chest but didn’t know what to do to get the rest of my body onto Dad’s chest. Dad eventually gently pushed my butt over to him. Once I realized I reached my goal, I was happy, began to purr, and kneaded Dad’s shoulder.

After a couple of hours, Dad took me back up to the room for the night.


Dad here – Jerry got the stitches out on Monday; Dr. C. was thrilled at how well he looked and how well he’s doing. With Jerry doing well with the steps, the Pride is complete once again. When Jerry made it to the dining room level, Tom and Gordy (AKA The Nemesis-in-Residence) came up to Jerry and greeted him.

It was as completely drama free as I expected it to be. It was really moving to see Tom just go up to Jerry and start grooming him. Of course, they had to check out each others’ butts. All is well.


The pride is finally reunited. Tom is at the top, I’m in the middle, and Nemesis is on the bottom. It was so good to get back together with my pride-mates.
The pride is finally reunited. Tom is at the top, I’m in the middle, and Nemesis is on the bottom. It was so good to get back together with my pride-mates.


June 15, 2014: Amputation+10 Days

Here’s the scoop!

Today, I made the great escape from my recovery room. As a service to my fellow Tripawd felines who may be reading, I offer the following checklist for you to use in your own escape plans:

Step 1: Get Dad’s attention.

About 4:45 AM, things were fine but I was B-O-R-E-D and knew Dad was up at that time. I decided to take advantage of his being half awake by brushing my E-collar against the door to the room where I’ve been confined since coming home from the hospital. I understand Dad calls this “making a fuss” or “good lord, what now?”–never been sure which, but either way it works to summon him as needed.

As I felt like going for the gold, I decided to do a “level two Staff Call” for attention. I started by rubbing the cone against the door frame, which makes a lot of noise and added a nice  layer of “HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE” in Cat repeatedly.

I figured the vocals were a good flourish, sure to get some response out of him. I was right because he came up the stairs and….


Step 2: Make it as hard as possible for Dad to get into the room.

I made sure to position myself right at the door and wouldn’t move much (an inch or less) each time Dad tried to open the door.  Eventually, I moved enough so he could finally enter the trap (oops, I mean room.)


Step 3: Run for it!

As soon as Dad got the door open, I circled wide and headed out the door. I didn’t get that far – I got to the top of the stairs and wasn’t sure how to deal with them yet. My nemesis-in-residence, Gordy, was there to witness the event. Finally, he’s good for something!


Step 4: Get busted.

Once I stopped to size up the situation, Dad was able to catch me and take me back into the room.

When I was back in the room, Dad took the E-collar off and I had a good breakfast, so at least I got SOMETHING for the Level Two Staff Call (which takes a lot of work, let me tell you!).  He keeps making noises about “1 more day” but I have no idea what he’s talking about.

Apologies to any feline Tripawd readers seeking recovery room escape tips….but as they often say on that show Dad likes to watch, resistance is futile.


Dad here: It was so great to see Jerry moving at a good clip to get out of the room! His progress just continues to amaze me as he’s such a trooper. His stitches come out tomorrow, and then he’ll lose the collar completely. He’ll slowly be reintroduced into the rest of the house and get back in touch with The Pride, AKA his housemates, Tom and Gordy.


Three Cats, Eleven Paws is brought to you by Tripawds.